by Jason Page
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Welcome to EdgeWhat!
EdgeWhat is a community project for resources and news aggregation of all things Edgewater Chicago. I moved here two years ago and found some access and information on resources to be scattered without a central hub. In absence of a central hub that is free from a social or political niche I decided to start building such a resource hub. I have been holding on to the domain name EdgeWhat.Org for those two years before the inception of this website. And I am happy to release this work-in-progress website today.
If you areĀ interested in contributing to this project on any capacity please let me know by sending me a message at jsp@aleatory.cc and I will get back to you shortly.
Jason Page
Welcome to EdgeWhat! EdgeWhat is a community project for resources and news aggregation of all things Edgewater Chicago. I moved here two years ago and found some access and information on resources to be scattered without a central hub. In absence of a central hub that is free from a social or political niche I…
Welcome to EdgeWhat! EdgeWhat is a community project for resources and news aggregation of all things Edgewater Chicago. I moved here two years ago and found some access and information on resources to be scattered without a central hub. In absence of a central hub that is free from a social or political niche I…